More Than a Photo, Less Than a Video
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Life is packed every moment! Sorry I haven't been better with posting. The flu lingered until finally turning into sinus infection. My arms feel like they are about to fall off from carrying a toddler, this is another excuse why I can't type...besides the fact that I am either working, busy with Abbey, or asleep. This little clip above is from last Saturday. I took Abbey to an outdoor mall. We've only been there one other time but when we pulled up she started clapping. She is visiting the Koi and eating fish crackers (I mean throwing them to the fish). She is delightful and I love the way people's faces light up when they see her. I am now instantly friends with everyone everywhere, which is very fun. I am continually amazed at how God keeps helping me all the time. I did not know how I could ever get my report cards done and then my daycare provider decided to have a Parent's Night Out. The kids got to stay at her house for the evening and have pizza and a movie and I went home and cranked out all my report cards. The other day I was soooo sick and said a little prayer asking God to help me make it through the day until I could get to a doctor. When school started I could barely even stand up and in walks my principal with a spare substitute that no one needed for an hour and a half. I ran to Urgent Care and the pharmacy, got antibiotics, and by the end of the day I was totally on the mend. It's just amazing to me how a way keeps opening up for me whenever there seems to be no way. Thank you God! Now about my arms, I am not joking. I worked out for a year and a half to make sure my upper arms and back were baby ready, but I never thought about my hands and wrists and they are killing me. I have to use them all the time with the highchair, crib, carseat, etc. and it's really quite a problem. If anyone has tips please let me know.
As for Angel Abbey... she is saying "yes" clearly now, not "yeah". She is also trying to say things like "I love you" to her dolly, "Big Bird", and has mastered putting the "n" on "no". She cracked me up the other night...We were out at the duck pond with her stroller, which she would much rather push than ride in. She was having a hard time going up a very steep hill and was trying different techniques. She finally tipped the stroller to where it was lying down and put it behind her and pulled her little doggie around just like a rickshaw. She got the biggest kick out of it too. Have I told you she also has a sumo wrestler squat? When she is really happy and silly she gets in sumo postion and stomps back and forth. Of course I join in and we both crack up.
At 2:39 AM,
OziMum said…
Gorgeous! Yes, God continually amazes me, in the small things. But all those small things keep life going!
Glad you're on the mend! Being a sick Mummy, is no fun at all!
At 3:12 AM,
Polar Bear said…
Glad to read you are on the mend. The day my principal walks in with a spare sub would be a minor miracle.
Cute pictures!
At 4:36 AM,
Truly Blessed said…
A tad too short for my taste, but a delicious peek nonetheless!
So glad you're feeling better. Do you just wake up every morning wondering how God is going to suprise you that day? How cool are those divine "happenstances" in your days -- exactly when you need them most. God is GOOD!
Abbey is precious, as always, and I think I can speak for all of your loyal followers: we'd love to see some video of her sumo squat!
Have a wonderful, relaxing weekend!
At 6:26 AM,
Joannah said…
In the midst of all those challenges, you have been so positive and grateful for the good. I'm always inspired by your faith, Christi!
I hope to see you girls over Spring Break. I have the week before Easter off. How about you?
At 7:09 AM,
Donna said…
Abbey gets more adorable every day!
As far as your hands and wrists hurting...after I was home with Emma for a few months, my left hand and wrist were so painful, I went to the doctor. I was diagnosed with DeQuervain's tendinitis...they also call it mommy tendinitis. It's caused by constantly lifting and holding your child. I had to wear a splint on my wrist for about 6 weeks, but that took care of it completely. But you don't want to wait too long to get it treated (if indeed this is what you're experiencing.) My dentist had this as well after she adopted a little girl and ended up having surgery.
Good luck!
At 7:14 AM,
A said…
Abbey is cuter each time I see her! It is great to see how when one is obedient, God does keep His promise to fill in the gaps and make a way when the way seems too tough.
At 8:22 AM,
Julie said…
So glad to see you back I was worried about you girls! I'm so glad the sick bug has left your house let's hope he stays out.
At 9:41 AM,
Catherine said…
God is good! So neat to hear all the ways that He is providing for you.
Glad to hear you're on the mend and they you're having such fun with your sweetie!
As for the wrists, that's a concern I have too as one that I broke as a teen is already weaker and aches at times. Have you considered wearing wrist braces (or even tenser bandages) at night? Sometimes just immobilizing and supporting them while you sleep can help in the healing process. Hope you find something that works for you.
At 12:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am SO glad to hear that I'm not the only one with a wrist that is hurting from constantly holding a precious angel! I was prepared for my arms to hurt, too, but not my wrist!! Thanks for blogging about it, so I know it's not just me!!
BTW, I agree--God has been amazing for me, too!!!
At 12:20 PM,
K said…
The wrist pain you are describing is very common to new moms. The world-reknowned physical therapist, Elizabeth Noble, has great suggestions for avoiding/healing from it. Check out her website. I'm a doula and teach moms and dads how to prevent this using E.N. techniques.
Congratulations on your adoption! I'm hoping to be DTC by the end of this month.
At 8:51 PM,
Abby's Mom said…
She is getting big and cute as always. Hope you both are healthy now!
At 5:25 PM,
Tamara said…
I hear you about the arm pain- also, my thumbs really ache... maybe just getting older????
At 4:45 AM,
Steffie B. said…
Glad to hear your are feeling better. What a great video...she is just pecious! I love her smile.
At 10:34 AM,
Emmie said…
We have been missing ya! Sorry to hear you've been having a hard time lately and not feeling the greatest. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers! You are a great mommy, Abbey is lucky to have one like you!
At 5:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's too funny to read all about the new Mom's with the wrist/hand problems! It was good you posted Christi since you are getting answers about what to do! Yeah, God!!! He sure does answer prayer even when we least expect it. He will do more than we ever expect because He is so faithful & loving!
I loved the more than a photo but less than a video! I agree we need to see the sumo squat! I know it is hard to post with everything else you have going on but....we all miss it when you don't. As you can imagine none of else likes suspense!!! Lots of Love & Prayers!
At 7:21 PM,
C's Mom said…
I'm glad you got to nip that feeling yucky in the bud. Abbey looks wonderful and is growing so quickly.
Now, you just need a video of the two of you doing the sumo stomp ;0)
At 5:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Christi, Abbey gets cuter every time! As far as the arms, I've been there!! I have gotten two cortisone shots in the last 14 months. They really did help!
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