Abbey changes so much every day that I can hardly keep up with it. She is a very active little busy bee and I love it! Things that weren't issues before are now and things that were issues before aren't anymore. Suddenly she is not thrilled about having her diaper changed and really wiggles around. I've resorted to singing a new version of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt...Abbey Apple Alligator Ant, which definitley gets her mind off things. She is also loving the song 5 Little Ducks and folds her arms up to flap her little wings. Gerber fruit puffs are "out" now
and get thrown into the floor of the back seat if I try to give them to her. Instead of her stethescope she signs please for whatever necklace I have on so that she can wear it. Also new is stranger anxiety. She was startled by the man who did her hearing assessment. She came barreling around the corner into his office and stopped in her tracks and burst into tears. He was extremely tall and looked like Abraham Lincoln. He was very nice but she wanted nothing to do with him and we will have to go back for a retest in several months. From what they could tell her hearing did seem great. At Trader Joes our checker had a lip ring and that also set her off. I have to say that I secretly love it when she clings on to me for protection. For the first time she cried for a minute when I took her to the church nursery last week. Now that we are apart all day she wants to be with me whenever she can, and I feel the same way so we will just stick together!
We had a great time at her speech assessment. She will definitely qualify and I am so excited to learn how to help her learn to talk. I know it's just due to the change in language at a critical time and the lack of stimulation in the orphanage, but I'd rather be proactive than just wait for her to pick it up. Because of what all she's missed I want to give her every opportunity to catch up. Just this week I have been getting face to face and making consonant sounds and she is already trying them out.
One thing has stayed the same, I feel that I am the most blessed person on the planet. I know all of you mommies share this feeling. My heart is just so full of love and amazement to have her in my life. There really aren't words...
and get thrown into the floor of the back seat if I try to give them to her. Instead of her stethescope she signs please for whatever necklace I have on so that she can wear it. Also new is stranger anxiety. She was startled by the man who did her hearing assessment. She came barreling around the corner into his office and stopped in her tracks and burst into tears. He was extremely tall and looked like Abraham Lincoln. He was very nice but she wanted nothing to do with him and we will have to go back for a retest in several months. From what they could tell her hearing did seem great. At Trader Joes our checker had a lip ring and that also set her off. I have to say that I secretly love it when she clings on to me for protection. For the first time she cried for a minute when I took her to the church nursery last week. Now that we are apart all day she wants to be with me whenever she can, and I feel the same way so we will just stick together!
We had a great time at her speech assessment. She will definitely qualify and I am so excited to learn how to help her learn to talk. I know it's just due to the change in language at a critical time and the lack of stimulation in the orphanage, but I'd rather be proactive than just wait for her to pick it up. Because of what all she's missed I want to give her every opportunity to catch up. Just this week I have been getting face to face and making consonant sounds and she is already trying them out.
One thing has stayed the same, I feel that I am the most blessed person on the planet. I know all of you mommies share this feeling. My heart is just so full of love and amazement to have her in my life. There really aren't words...
At 4:39 PM, Truly Blessed said…
Christi, you ARE blessed to have Abbey in your life, just as Abbey is blessed to have YOU in hers!
You two go together like peanut butter and jelly!
I have to say that I miss the daily updates. I understand that you just can't do them that often now that you're back to work, but selfish me, I miss them!
At 4:42 PM, Paulette said…
You are both so amazing and have taught me so much about faith. Faith in God and faith in this whole process. Thanks for all the great info and beautiful pictures. I can't get enough of Abbey these days either.
At 5:04 PM, Abby's Mom said…
You ar Blessed as is Abbey to have found each other! She is precious and you are doing a wonderful job with her.
At 5:27 PM, Anonymous said…
All of this just shows how attached she is to you and it is wonderful!
At 6:23 PM, C's Mom said…
How wonderful how things have come along. What an awesome match with your daughter :0)
At 8:45 PM, k1 said…
There is nothing left to say, so
I agree,
uh huh,
At 1:05 AM, Anonymous said…
oh, how I love reading about the two of you!
And also watching the pictures and video.
I check your blog almost every day!!
With love and so excited for the two of you,
At 6:41 AM, Donna said…
It's so fun to watch their little personalities develop, isn't it?
Let me say, I think you're very smart to be proactive with any speech delays. A friend of mine with a daughter from China has had the attitude that her daughter will just grow out of it. But now she has a 5-year-old who no one can understand and she'll probably be placed in a special class when she enters kindergarten next fall. It's really sad.
At 7:25 AM, Emmie said…
Glad it sounds Abbey is doing well! You both are so blessed to have eachother!
At 5:04 PM, Joannah said…
I'm so happy to hear that you two are enjoying each other so much!
At 2:17 PM, Anonymous said…
I just love this post. I know that before you got to China you were worried about the possible physical problems--but you stepped out in faith & believed that Abbey was the daughter God had chosen for you! Are you not glad you stood firm & believed in faith what he promised??
You & she are like two little peas in a pod--can't do without each other! It is a blessing to behold each week. I missed both of you on Sunday! Snuggle with her as long as you can. I cannot wait to hear her say the words "I love you" to you! I am sure that you will be like a waterfall! Paulette mentioned faith-it is believing what we cannot see! It takes a lot to do that but the benefits can be extraordinary--as you well know. Lots of Love & Prayers!
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