cherry blossom baby

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12 Join the joyous journey to my baby in China!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Growing by Leaps and Bounds

This child is transforming before my very eyes. It was just four weeks ago today that I recieved her, what a blessed day that was! The first week she couldn't walk, then she could barely walk, but only if forced to by me moving a few feet away, next she would walk at home, and now finally she is walking everywhere. The orphanage director had told me she could walk, but with all the transition it's just taken time emotionally. I am so happy that she is feeling safe and comfortable. She is absolutely adorable. I know I am biased, but others nearby concur...she is such a good baby! Yesterday she had Italian food for the first time, stuffed shells and garlic bread from Ms. Amanda. We have been so thankful for the meals that friends have been bringing...chicken and veggie soup with bread and sparkling cider from Rebecca, and barbeque chicken, corn and garlic mashed potatoes from Lindi. You should see this girl eat, it's amazing!!
She played in the sand today for the first time at a park, it was soooooooo cute. She really enjoyed it. She is amazed with the world and I am too as I experience it with her. She also walked up and down our stairs yesterday and today with me helping her. It's a lot of climbing for a little girl and I am so proud of her for trying. She has gotten the hang of eating samples at Costco and is pretty excited about the whole scene there. We stocked up on formula and diapers there today.
Mom is growing by leaps and bounds too, or maybe crawls and stumbles. I learn how to be a better mom every day. My whole world is rearranged and I love it. I thought dish towels lasted for several days, now I go through several a day. I never had to run the dishwasher, now we do it everyday. I like getting up early and making a great breakfast for my baby. I am developing all sorts of new tricks - letting all the non-perishables stay in the car until naptime, strapping the snack cup to the cart at the store, and braking for every park we drive by. I used to eat one real meal a day, she has three with 2 snacks and four bottles added in. It seems like my whole life revolves around food now and I can't imagine how these moms with teenage boys do it. It is so much fun. Every moment I am thinking things like, "I can't believe I am shopping for baby things with MY BABY!"


  • At 3:42 PM, Blogger Amy said…

    I'm just sitting here smiling from ear to ear...
    ...because everything you just said, I've been there felt that & it IS pretty amazing stuff, isn't it? CONGRATS MOMMA! IT JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER FROM HERE!

    *big hugs from Boston*


    -Amy & Ruby Cate

  • At 4:15 PM, Blogger C's Mom said…

    Wow, I love how things are going for you!

    Your girl is just so cute - it's wonderful to see her bloom!

  • At 4:30 PM, Blogger dawn said…

    It really is hard to believe that it has only been 3 weeks. Abbey has transformed herself. Motherhood is so much fun and it really is worth that long long wait. (I can't believe I just said that about the wait!)

  • At 5:02 PM, Blogger Joannah said…

    Wow! What amazing progress in such a short period of time!

    Cute overalls, Abbey!

  • At 5:08 PM, Blogger Donna said…

    Sounds like you were born to be a mom...I'm so happy that you're loving the experience! Abbey gets more adorable every day!

  • At 5:20 PM, Blogger Shannon said…

    Abbey's such a cutie! So thrilled for you both!

  • At 5:25 PM, Blogger t~ said…

    It's so wonderful to hear how well she is growing.

    My son LOVES Costco. It took him 2 trips to get the hang of the samples and now we can't drive past Costco without a complete meltdown if we don't stop.

    Abbey is a real cutie!

  • At 6:55 PM, Blogger Diana said…

    I so remember all those new "mom" feelings and now he is 13 (my other son is now 9:) and I still get those "I am so lucky feelings"...I can not imagine my life without my 2 boys and I am so happy for you;)

  • At 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Christi, I am so glad that things are going so well for you both! Abbey is just adorable!

  • At 9:09 PM, Blogger Eliza2006 said…

    I know, I know! I think to myself all the time, "She is mine! It really happened!" It's quite an awesome responsibility isn't it? Thanks for sharing.


  • At 4:07 AM, Blogger Stephe said…

    Oh how sweet!! You are making me look so forward to my future. Abbey is an amazing little girl! :)

  • At 4:49 AM, Blogger Truly Blessed said…

    Silly Christi, it's been four weeks since we got our Yandong princesses!

    As one of those moms with teenage boys, I can tell you that life DOES revolve around FOOD!

    Katie's eating everything in sight as well, it's as if she suddenly found out about something that is really, really good and she's making up for lost time!

    I agree with poster Ruby Cate, it does just keep getting better and better!

  • At 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 9:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Christi, you can see the change in your face now that you have ZZ in your life. As well, you can see the change in her! It is truly awesome to see & experience weekly! It had a belly laugh when I read about getting the hang of Costco samples--adults make a lunch of it--why not the kids too! There was a comment from Tracy about her son loving Costco also. It is quite wondrous to see the world through the eyes of a child who has not experienced these things previously in their life. It gives your life a new & fresh perspective that we lose along the way as we become adults. All I can say is: WOW! Lot of Love, Kisses & Prayers (oops--forgot the hugs) to ZZ & her MaMa


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