cherry blossom baby

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12 Join the joyous journey to my baby in China!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

I did it again!

Between being an early childhood educator and adopting it seems like I get fingerprinted all the time! Today I spent several hours with many slight complications trying to get my fingerprints redone, they expire in July. As with the last many times I've had it done, they had great difficulty trying to get clear prints. I've been told that I have gardener's hands. After they exhausted themselves with the computer version they tried ink - over and over and finally called in the big boss. He tried several times and said "it's the best we can do." Hopefully it will be good enough. I couldn't help thinking of all the criminals running around that never get fingerprinted while all the teachers and adoptive parents do it over and over. I also sent in my $ today to refile my child abuse index check which will also be expiring. I am so thankful that it looks like I will get my referral before all the massive paperwork expires! Posted by Picasa


  • At 9:28 PM, Blogger My World said…

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  • At 5:50 AM, Blogger C's Mom said…

    I had the same problem with my fingerprints. It took forever but they did get them on my first visit. Thank goodness I didn't have to go back.

    I was told I had 'medical' hands. I imagine that's the same as 'gardener's' hands. They COULD just say...your fingers make crummy prints ;0)

  • At 11:41 PM, Blogger Paulette said…

    As a teacher too and having been through this before but the Adoption process was like being guilty until proven innocent. Not that I expect special treatment for dedicating my live to working with children but lets get real here they pay me to be with kids all day long. What you have to do to love them for an eternity…. In the end it will be more then worth it.


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