cherry blossom baby

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12 Join the joyous journey to my baby in China!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Day Brightener!!

Oh, if ever I needed a lift it was this week! I hit an all time "adoption wait" low.
I was so discouraged with the small number of referrals that came from China this month. Thank goodness for secret pals. I was so happy to open up these darling gifts for Abbey. It will be so wonderful when she is here in these cute clothes! Posted by Picasa


  • At 3:25 PM, Blogger Joannah said…

    Those are precious!

  • At 5:46 PM, Blogger Nina said…

    The wait just sucks, doesn't it!? Fingers crossed that the CCAA picks up the pace and starts doing whole months again (I can dream, can't I?) and you'll be in China before you know it. In the meantime, I empathize and sympathize!!

  • At 5:06 AM, Blogger Just Us Girls said…

    Beautiful clothing and what a wonderful secret pal!

    Hang in there!

  • At 10:54 AM, Blogger Linda Adams said…

    I'm sorry that this has been an especially hard week for you. It IS agonizing to wait. I pray that God will continue to sustain you with His grace. Love,

  • At 6:05 PM, Blogger Amy said…

    Keeping all of you who are waiting in my prayers! Amy

  • At 4:22 PM, Blogger Abby's Mom said…

    Hang in there! Hoping you and the rest of us don't have to wait too much longer.

  • At 8:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sending great big hugs your way.......I have been feeling all yuck myself this week! Try as I may.....I can't stop *hoping* and praying that the referral batches will be bigger each and every month! Trying to keep my chin up, too! LOVE the pretty new outfits!

  • At 7:23 PM, Blogger Donna said…

    These outfits are just all the ladybugs!

    Christi, it's funny you mentioned the Apple Hill bedding because I was in Big Lots today and they had the adorable little matching pillow with the pink ruffle around the edge for $5!!! I already bought one when we bought the set, but for $5 I had to get another one. I was wondering what the pillow was doing at a close out store. Now I know why.

    Donna :)


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