cherry blossom baby

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12 Join the joyous journey to my baby in China!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Something Wonderful!

I am so excited!!!! I just found out that my brother is going to be able to go to China with me. Yipeeee! He will be such a huge support emotionally and is great with cameras and computers, and that is very important to me on this trip. I am just so glad that he can be there for such an incredible event in my life. I've been on cloud nine all day!Posted by Picasa


  • At 7:49 PM, Blogger Abby's Mom said…

    Thats great! My brother is also coming to China with me. What a experience we wil share,

  • At 8:11 PM, Blogger M3 said…

    Wow, that is awesome news!!! Congratulations. :-)

  • At 3:58 PM, Blogger Joannah said…

    That is really great news. Congratulations!

  • At 4:24 AM, Blogger MarylandMommy said…

    Good luck on your future journey! It is beyond awesome! We have a 4 yr. old son from Korea & are in the process of getting a little girl from Korea. We are hoping to travel early summer!

  • At 5:34 AM, Blogger Lisa and Tate said…

    My mom (who is camera challenged) is coming to China with me....I am campaigning for my brother to come along for his camera expertise.... so I totally understand your excitement, Sistah!!!!


  • At 9:16 AM, Blogger Sandra said…

    Congrats Christi! That is awesome news and will probably be both a bonding time and a life changing experience for your brother!

    Like Lisa and Tate, my "camera challenged" mother is coming along with me!

    BTW - I love the name Abbey!


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