cherry blossom baby

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12 Join the joyous journey to my baby in China!

Sunday, February 19, 2006


Well BRU makes things very easy! It took me hours, but that's because I had to study and ponder every item in the store - and ask the sales ladies and other shoppers lots of questions. I now feel very familiar with their inventory and have memorized the entire layout of the store. What a difference from the head spinning experience I had when I first went in there last summer.
Target was another story. After spending a couple of hours there I turned in my scanner to a young man who was new to working there. I had a feeling things weren't going to go well and I was right. He lost all my registry. I found that out because I had to go to another Target (because this one had sold out) to get a crock pot recommended by the Single Adopt China group. It has an automatic switch to warm after cooking for those of us who work long hours. When I went to the second Target they confirmed that all my work had been lost and I had to start over again. What I didn't know is that all Targets are not the same. This one was so much better. Everything for babies was all in one section - diapers, gear, toys, etc. The first store had things spread out all over the store - diapers on one end, toys on the other, and baby gear in the middle. The second store had a lot more options too. So it worked out well and it was so much faster the second time when I knew just what I wanted. I feel so good that even if I don't recieve these things as gifts, I now have a good list of exactly what I need.
One more thing about registering...I kept putting things in my cart that I felt were too small to put on a registery, and then taking them back out and scanning them on. All the little things add up! I did spend $40 on things I just felt I shouldn't register for. We'll see if others of you have this same experience. It's very hard to look at all this stuff and then leave it there at the store!


  • At 1:52 PM, Blogger Joannah said…

    That sounds like a lot of fun. You must be getting so excited!

  • At 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I need to hear more about that crock pot....mine died just last week! :) We always called it the "new" crock pot...when it died, I realized it was about 9 years old! Sounds like your registering was lots of fun...and quite productive!!

  • At 2:42 PM, Blogger Lisa and Tate said…

    Whew... I've said once before.... this registering thing just FREAKS me out!!! Then again I have a hard time making a decision off a menu at a resturant!!!



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